Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nina Szarek. 100796 - 260609.

I wish you could come back.
I wish it was me instead of you.
You've been gone for more than half a year,
and I think about you every day.
What's it like up there? Where have you gone?
What's your Heaven like?
Do you think about us? Can you see us?
I miss you. So darn much.
I wish you were here with me. I miss how we always called each other names and teased each other and drew on each other's books and had highlighter fights cos we could. I miss how we always went on Habbo Hotel and when you got e-married and I laughed at how dorky you were. I miss your Pacman earrings, and those badges you made and brought to school. I miss how we used to imitate Charlie the Unicorn. I miss your super cool straight layered hair. I miss messing it up and laughing. I miss how in Drama we were always partners. I miss your name being called just before mine on the class roll. I miss your laugh. I miss that Champion bag you carried and how everyone had signed it and graffitied on it because you wanted them to. I miss how you used to trip me over and pull my hairties out. I miss those times at Holy Family when we sat on the swings and Ramone had a crush on you and when we went to Karate and we kept giggling at the instructor's accent. "GIVE YASELF A HAH-FAHV" LOL. I remember how we were always the last ones to get picked up by our parents. I remember being with you and Janelle and Sukhraj and Chrissy and Claire and how we played Click and we put Janelle on pause and ran away and she got so pissed.
And at your funeral I couldn't help but smile at all your photos on the slideshow - memories never to be forgotten, but never to be continued either.
You lived a good life. But you could've lived more of it.
I love you. I'll always remember you. You'll never leave my mind.
Rest in peace Nina.

1 comment:

  1. I'm deeply moved by your thoughts of Nina. May God bless you always. - Nina's mom
