Thursday, January 14, 2010

Going back to the corner where I first saw you

I remember the day I met you.
The day after my less than perfect world crashed down on me.
The day after I lost so much and gained nothing.
The day after I lost something that I could never get back.
I'd randomly said hi, thinking nothing of it.
After all, it was just a friendly greeting, nothing more or less.
And then we talked, and then we stopped.
I found someone, I thought he was special.
Then it ended, and we talked again.
We became so close in such a short time.
I was so happy when I was with you.
I forgot everything that troubled me at that moment.
Talking to you was like taking a Panadol - you took my pain away temporarily.
And when you were gone, the pain came back with a bang.
And then she came. And you were with her.
And I didn't care, not one bit.
Then something happened to me, and I started caring.
And I fell apart.
And I told you.
And you accepted it, but didn't do anything.
She hated me. So so so much.
I haven't been loathed so much in my life.
I tried staying away from you and I didn't succeed.
I tried ignoring you but I couldn't.
What was this thing I felt for you?
Was it love, or was it just a mere infatuation?
Then she left, and you're still trying to move on.
I want you to move on.
I want you to forget, like I did.
Just try, for me, for her.
But don't move on to me.
I'm not your rebound, i'm your friend.
Lose me, and I lose you. Forever.

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