Thursday, December 3, 2009

A letter from my heart.

Dearest You,
you make me jumpstart.
you make me beat so fast i think i'm gonna explode.
you make me feel like i'm flying, racing, dancing.
and all of this hurts me so much.
i work so hard for you. i work so hard because of you.
everything you say hurts me.
i hurt.
but i keep going, with that steady rhythm.
you can't hear me, unless you listen real close.
i'm never asleep, for i'm always working.
steady, steady heartbeat.
never faltering, never stopping until death.
and the day i die.. will be the best day of my life.
so.. You.
I want you to stop, to step back,
to look at the damage you've caused.
I'm weak, I can't do anything, and i'm close to breaking.
and when I do, I hope it'll be for your own good, not mine.
I only beat for you.

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