Saturday, November 14, 2009

can the end be the beginning?

I'm back, i'm back, i'm back, as promised.
So.. alot has gone down this past week.
I've given up on quite a number of things.
Things that shan't be discussed on this post, since.. melancholy must make an absence once in a while. Was that even grammatically correct, or should I give a shit?

Okay, I can't hold it in any longer.
I've given up on everything - everything meaning love.
There's no such thing as TRUE love.
Love's full of lies, not truth.
And when there's truth, it's not love. It's boring.
Love's meant to be adventurous. Risk-taking. Heartbreaking.
That's what love is. Sacrifice.
"I love you" is used so commonly these days, it's become so passe.
You sign your wall posts on facebook with it.
In text messages, you say "ily".
In phone calls where you talk for hours and hours on end, you say it.
But I just wonder.. do we really mean it?

Now it's time for a fresh new start; a new beginning for my heart.

I don't believe in love anymore. It's overrated.
In books it's all happiness and sunshine and palpitations and smiling and romantic walks by the shore at sunset and only Cupid knows what else.
In the real world, it's crying and shouting and crying and shouting and more crying, more shouting, the feeling that your heart's been ripped out of your chest and your stomach has been punched through, a touch of suicide and then.. sometimes, if your life's THAT perfect, rainbows and sunshine. With a dash of palpitations and a pinch of laughter.
Argh, fuck. I'm rambling.

What I'm saying is.. I hate love.
OoOooOoOoOoh. Drama queen.

I'll post another soon.
Oh, and.. "i love you".

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