Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watch the world, let it bleed.

I've realised that I am deeply self-centred and inconsiderate.
I always substitute peoples' problems with my own.
I constantly ignore those crying for help, those who reach out to me.
I never go to church, though I'm a Catholic.
I get pissy at my parentals, who have enough crapola to take as it is.
I'm more pathetic that sympathetic.
I'm a bitch.

What's come over me? I haven't always been an insensitive succubus.
There was once a time where I was nice. I took care of other peoples' problems before my own.
I smiled. I laughed. I hardly ever cried.
Unlike now, when instead of having a smile, I have a grimace.
Instead of laughing, I choke.
And I cry more than ever. At anything. For nothing.
It's because of you. You've made me like this.
If somehow or other you find this totally pointless blog, I hope it sinks into your brain.
I hope you keep this in your back pocket, and next time you speak to me you'll be careful.
I'm absorbed into your stupid problems and now they're my own.
YOU'RE my problem.
Get up and out of my life. I'm waiting.

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