Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm back, so skidaddle.

Hai all.
I'm back to my homeland. My hometown. My city. State. Country. Oh, kerfuffle.
I'm actually glad to be back to civilisation/spring. And we're having a cold spell in Sydney, which to some people is total bad news + utter b-shit cos HAY ITZ SUPPOSED TO BE SPRINGZ LULZ, but to someone that's spent the last 10 days in a country that's right on the equator, it's PURE BLISS MANNNN.
Yeah, I'll admit I miss my cousins and crap (not including the S word + isn't it funny that S is the first letter in the word "shit"? and "stupid"? and "delinquent"? - oh, my mistake.) and I miss the rad food that's not been preserved/frozen for three thousand years, but hey. Home is home.
One thing I COULDN'T get used to in Singapore was the stupid heat. It killed me dude. It killed me.
And now I'm sitting here at a "hotdesk" - aptly named, methinks.
In my mother's office, + the added benefit of total strangers sitting around me. Shweeeet.
I haven't been blogging often because:
a) I just got back from a holiday, man. Lay off, &
b) I've been uber tired.
I love my family. So hospitable. So nice. So outgoing.
They took us for breakfast every morning and I got fat.
They took us to Bugis Street, Singapore's biggest shopping street which has no air-conditioning and is crowded and has pickpockets and an adult store that I wasn't allowed to even look at. *tear*
They took us anywhere we needed to go, and took us for lunch and dinner and other snacktimes.
They let us stay in their spare room which was meant for their grandson.
They spent at least $500-$1000 on me alone.
They bought us so many things, helped us with our luggage and taught my mum how to use an e-card.
All-in-all, I'd say they're pretty swish.
They're coming next year in Winter, because they're totally sick of the heat and who'd want to come to Australia in Summer anyways?! It's practically a death sentence. Blasted weather. It's gone mad, I tell ye.
I really wanna make a Youtube account so I can talk to the world and creep them out.
Just like Mitchell Davis does. (L) n_n
Hey, this just in. Didja know the world shall end in 2012? That's my prophecy.
And what is the cause of this spontaneous end to our beloved Earth?
Stupid sloth-like cousins that can't even talk and have hairy hands and are total utter bullshit artists who never come home and let strangers sleep in their bed, which happens to be only for one person tyvm.

Good day, young ones.
+ btw, Ben Barnes is steamy. o_o

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