Friday, October 2, 2009


The week's nearly over. On Monday we're moving into a hotel. Wooshka.
Nothing much to blog really, apart from the fact that I'm at my grandma's house yet again and i'm sitting on the couch again and blogging again. Oh, and my parents + grandma have abandoned me and I'm stuck with Shaun. Well played, parentals. Well played.
My uncle gave me this thing called a Mooncake. It tasted like... tea-flavoured chewing gum.
I only ate half of it, and it was a MINI one.
I'm supposed to go shopping with Shaun today. But seriously, I'm so tired.
And freaked out because mum'll probably leave me with him like she did today.

And that's all for now.
I'm bored out of my mind, but nobody seems to care.

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