Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm not moving, I'm not moving.

10 Things I Hate About You:
- You're a dick. Pretty straightforward, huh?
- You subject everyone to your problems and moods.
- You don't care about feelings getting hurt.
- You show no sympathy.
- You're violent.
- You hurt me. Physically and emotionally. Stop.
- You've drawn me to you, like a magnet.
- You're totally "not my type",
- Yet I still persist in getting your attention,
- And I end up getting hurt again.

No, I won't budge.
I'm not the one who has to do this.
YOU go away.
Move to another state like you've always been bitching about.
Just do it. Talk is cheap.
Prove that you have the balls to leave.
Go on, do it.

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