Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.

So I noticed that on my [fab] blog, it doesn't say much about me.
Yeah, it says my feelings/emotions, etc. but there's nothing about me, and what makes me who I am.
So prepare to be bored to the utmost limit, cos ima tell you 'bout mahself.

I'm an over-thinker, and a worrywart. Sometimes I lose sleep due to all my stressing out.
My thinking makes it worse, since I have a very active mind + an.. interesting imagination - thanks to all the horror movies I was forced to watch.

I have a phobia of blood. A severe, really really really bad bad bad phobia. If I even see a tiny drop, I either scream or throw up or fall on the ground and bawl. I've always hated the sight of blood, and the smell. And the taste when you lose a tooth. Erk. My friends try to rub in the fact that I'm a total pussy and whenever they get the chance (or a cut), they scare the crap out of me with their blood. Omigod yuck. Blood. Ew, blood.

I'm a bookworm. Oh ja. I read heaps, mostly because I like it and it relaxes me and "expands my knowledge", as mother says.

I swear alot. You've probably guessed that already. I sound like a ruffian sometimes.

I can play the piano. I don't enjoy it much, but I guess it's okay. It gives me something to do.

I have Bipolar Disorder. I think. I'm not quite sure, I haven't consulted someone yet. But yes, I'm pretty sure I am Bipolar.

I'm a hopeless romantic. Seriously. I'd fall in love with any man who shows even the least bit of gallantry, or buys me chocolate. I'd marry him if he bought me chocolate.

I'm very particular about spelling & grammar. When I meet people online and they can't spell, I pity them and never talk to them again. Call me a picky biatch but hey. Spelling counts.

I have a fear of public speaking, after having a bad experience where I presented a speech and halfway through it I froze and just stood there like a total douchebag. Good times, good times. Not emotionally scarring at all, no sir.

I wear alot of black. Black's slimming. And I like black, because it's a SHADE, not a colour. I also like grey. Or gray. However you spell it.

I'm attracted to the strangest people, whether it be because of their cool hair, or just their smile, or the way they walk. I tend to stare at people when I look at them because their faces are just so interesting. I like studying peoples' faces.

I'm not a Twilighter, but I don't hate it either. I just think they wrecked it by turning it into a film that was only appealing to the people who haven't read the book and have no clue what it's supposed to be about anyway. When things go mainstream, they deteriorate and lose popularity amongst its true fans.

I listen to indie, alternative and electronica. Hiphop is atrocious in my opinion. I mean, why would you write a song and put it on the radio when no one can understand what you're freaken saying in the first place? Blasphemy, I say.

Winter is my favourite season, only because I have a reason to hide my ugly body in layers of thick clothing without being called "weird" or fainting from the heat.

I have the attention span of a goldfish, hence the ending of this blog.
Good day.
I doubt you've learned anything useful about me.


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