Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Baby it's fact, our love is true.

Gawd, I adore Hellogoodbye.
Hello lovely bloggers, excuse my sad previous post. I'm sorry, I don't mean to dump all my shit on you, sometimes it just all plops out - no pun intended, I swear.

I haven't updated in ages (besides that one depressing thing I posted before) due to things such as school and other bullshit that really shouldn't be in my life but sadly is. I need a coffee, goddamnit.

Recently I've gotten into The Beatles. My favourite song is "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", which is on the soundtrack for one of my favourite dramas, I Am Sam.

I need more coloured tights.
All I can think about is my boyfriend. I hate my mind.
I feel like tacos.
That was a lie. Tacos fucking suck.

Okay, tata and I'm sorry for boring you.


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