Sunday, May 30, 2010

I like you, boy you don't got nothing to prove to me.

Please tell me that this isn't some twisted sick fairytale and that I'm not going to end up being torn apart all over again. 

Tell me this is real. Tell me you love me. Tell me the truth. For fuck's sakes, tell me the fucking truth.
You know I don't judge. Why can't you open up? Lying won't get you anywhere. 

Maybe I like these lies. Because, knowing that the reality of this situation is far worse than this, pretending seems like the only solution right now.

Maybe the only reason I'm still holding onto you is because deep down I know who you really are and I know that you really do care. But all I want is the truth. That's all I want. Nothing else. Just the truth.

Tell me this isn't all a joke.

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