Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's all here for you as long as you choose to stay.

Morning, world. The title of this post doesn't relate to anything I'm writing, as always.
I have come to the conclusion that the reason I didn't receive my acceptance letter from Hogwarts when I was 11 was because that was around the time I was in love with Zac Efron and the wizarding world didn't want a tiny asian witch studying in their school if she was to be distracted by such tanned muscly golden brown nonsense.
Man, nonsense never sounded so good.
I plan to study at Hogwarts in the near future, just for funzies.
I'd take the Knight Bus, but I'm not a stranded witch/wizard. Bummer.
I've been waiting for 3 hours for a reply to my emails. I keep refreshing my inbox to see if I got any new messages, but it seems people have better things to do than reply to a poor girl who could potentially die of boredom and neglect.

So earlier this morning on the train, I had to sit opposite a stereotypical sk8rboi. You know - the one wearing skinnies with a skateboard on his back, a cap with that weird F sign on it, a moody expression and music screaming from his earphones. But funny enough he wasn't wearing those chunky skate shoes. He was wearing Havaianas.

So anyway, I thought nothing of him until I saw his eyes. They were the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. They were the colour of the sky on a cloudless day. YES, they were that bright; so bright that they seemed to light up his otherwise uninteresting face.

We spent most of the train ride staring at each other. It was a very connective/creepy/telepathical moment. I felt like we were having a silent conversation with our minds. Then as I got up to get off, he smiled and I smiled back, knowing that I'd never see him again. Quite sad, really. But hey, plenty more fish in the ocean. But not many of those fish have eyes the colour of a hotel swimming pool. Eh.

I find it hilarious when I see a man eating a banana. Don't ask why.


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