Thursday, April 8, 2010

All my heavy hopes just pull me back down again.

God, I want to go home. Send me a taxi or a hot-air balloon or something. My eyes are hurting and my head feels like it's about to explode and my earphones are blaring cheerful music which is a total contrast to how I'm feeling at the moment. I'm in bitch mode. Excuse me.
All the time people let me down. It's like they have no consideration for my feelings at all, or how I'll react to the situation. They just care about what they need to get done and they don't give a shit about how they do it and whether it hurts me or not.

I'm not saying that I don't let people down. I mean, I know I do. And I take responsibility for it and try to patch things up and help. But these people don't. They don't care.
When I go back to school, I'm going to start over and cut them completely out of my life. I don't need people like these as my friends, as they are the absolute opposite of how a friend is usually defined. Friends are there for each other and love each other and care and all that other lovely bullshit. But in reality there's really no one like that for me and I just.. don't know anymore.

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