Sunday, January 24, 2010

I love doing these.

honestly, what color is your underwear? Mostly blue.
honestly, whats on your mind? Him.
honestly, what are you doing right now? This, listening to Death Cab, texting.
honestly, who are your best friends? Christina, Rachel, Rob.
honestly, are you competitive? Sometimes. ;)
honestly, have you done something bad today? Not yet.
honestly, do you watch disney channel? Yes. ;$
honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Mum.
honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Fuck yes.
honeslty, is there someone you will always love? It feels that way.
honestly, do you bite your nails? Yes. I'm trying to stop, though.
honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? Not that I know of.

can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Um, no.
can you touch your toes? Yus!
can you whistle? Yep!
can you wiggle your ears? Yeah.
can you wiggle your nose? Yuh! BEWITCHED!
can you roll your tongue? Mhm.
can you make a clover with your tongue? LMFAO, NO! THAT LOOKS SO EW.

what do you do when you’re mad? Cry, rant, scream or not talk to anyone.
what’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? I went off at him when he asked me a question.
ever made anyone cry when you were mad? I think so. );
do you swear when you’re mad? Alot.

ever really cried your heart out? That is quite impossible. But it felt like that at the time.
ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
ever cried on your friend’s shoulder? Yup.
ever cried over the opposite sex? Hell yeah.
do you cry when you get an injury? Depends how bad it is.
do certain movies make you cry? I try to steer clear of the tearjerkers.

are you usually a happy person? Yeah..
who makes you the happiest? Him.
does being with your friends make you happy? Happier than being with anyone else.
do you believe in yourself? Occasionally.
do you wish you were happier? Sometimes.
can music make you happy? Depends what I'm listening to at that moment.

how many times have you had your heart broken? Countless times, dear.
has anyone besides your friends/family ever said ‘i love you'? Yes. And they didn't mean it.

do you actually hate anyone? I don't hate people, I just.. strongly dislike them.
ever made a hit list? Nope.
have you ever been on a hit list? A mental hit list.
are you a mean bully? Hope not!

what is your current hair color? Dark brown.
current piercings: None. Not even my ears.
have any tattoos?: Nope.
straight hair or curly? Straight-ish.
what shirt are you wearing? My owl shirt!
shoes? My comfy $10 flats from Payless.
necklace? My silver lock and key thing. I wear it almost everyday.

person you talked to in person? Mum.
person you talked to online? Rachel.
person you talked to on the phone: Mum.
person you hugged: Mum.
last person you hung out with? Christina.
last thing someone text you? "LMFAO RICHARD DICK. I'd so name my son richard if i married someone wif tha last name dick." LOL @ RACHEL!

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