Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What will come, will come.. and we'll have to meet it when it does.

- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Tomorrow's another day, probably better than the other tomorrows i've had.
Or maybe it'll suck. Maybe it'll be the worst day of my life.
It could possibly be the last.
Or it could be a new beginning. The start of something new, completely different to the new beginnings i've had in the past. Or maybe the same.
Well, it could never be the same.. otherwise it wouldn't be a new beginning, would it?
What I'm trying to say is.. every day brings something new.
Whether they be an adventure or a total drag, no two days are the same.
Yes, they have the same names.
Yes, they're all 24 hours in length.
But the... the content is different.
The events are different.
Never the same, though sometimes we want them to be.
We want to replay the events of the previous days, we want to go back to those happy times. We want to escape reality, we want to go back to a better year, where there wasn't war or rebellion.
I guess that's what cameras are for.

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