Monday, December 14, 2009

Pick a place in me, in pyjamas and bare feet, on the street, move me to the rhythm of your heartbeat.

- Swimming with Dolphins - Pyjama Party
I went out for fish and chips with mother.
I smell like the ocean.
In a bad way.
If fish had armpits, I'm sure they'd stink.
Mum was going on about how good the business is at the fish place and nearly made me lose my appetite when she said to think about all the fish they'd have to kill.
Jeez, I've gone off duck and cow because of that. Fish and poultry are the only things I have left.
Oh, and bacon. Lovely greasy fatty bacon. Mm grossly delicious, I think.

So I watched Paranormal Activity yesterday and it sucked nuts and..obviously I was scared shitless.
I didn't sleep 'til 3am. And even then I was convinced that some shadow-like asshole demon thing was gonna get me and possess me and make me kill my boyfriend. Holy balls.
There's one part in the movie (sorry to spoil it though most of you have either illegally downloaded it or seen it in the cinemas already) where the chick Katie gets out of bed, stands beside it and stares at her boyfriend, whose name is Micah (I LOVE THAT NAME!). For 3 whole hours. What in the name of a fat man's underpants is that supposed to do? Oh it sure did build suspense, but me being an impatient thing, I was screaming for her to do something demonic. WHERE WAS THE DAMN ACTION, MAN?!
And looking back I think the biggest factor of the scare was the fact that it was set in a normal house, in a normal suburban area and it was at night (what horror flick ISN'T?) because the worst things happened in the bedroom. Anything can happen in the bedroom. Oooooh lalala. And also because fucking hell it's Paranormal Activity, there's a bloody demon chick in the house and it's angry and demons aren't very pretty when they're angry.
So as I was browsing on RottenTomatoes, I searched it up and laughed at the bad reviews. Because well, that's what I do when I'm extremely terrified of a movie. So laugh with me. Or gloat. Or.. become a demon because you're deeply offended by my (lack of) humour.

Extremely unthrilling, very obvious, very clichéd. We've seen it all before.
David Stratton - At the Movies (Australia).

It works best when it comes out of nowhere, because that’s, in the end, where it goes.
A.O. Scott - New York Times.


And no, the movie is not based on a true story. :) *is so relieved*
apparently there were people crying thinking Micah was dead and Katie was possessed and like, Katie's mum had to convince them that Katie was alive and she was in LA and she was an actress and shit. God if that happened to me, I'd be like "um NO SHE'S A DEMON OKAY! A DEMON I SAY! DEMONNNN!"
I guess I'll have a better sleep tonight, knowing that Katie isn't a demon and Micah's alive.
^ i only like him cos he died, the poor soul (in the movie, don't stresssss).

That's all, folks. I'll post a better blog soon. Tata.

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