Saturday, October 24, 2009

So there we were back home from somewhere inside my head.

^ Me & CS. Ain't she a beaut.

It's been awhile.
I hope you've noticed the new.. title thingo.
I just like the font. *giggle*

Well, nothing much has happened.
School's taking up half my life.
Exams coming up in week 4?
Oh, and we have a new guy.
His name is BS. *laughs at the irony*
He's only been at our school for like.. 4 days.
And he's caused a bitch fight.
Whatta charming soul.
And every single stupid airhead girl in my grade
thinks he's somewhat attractive.
I don't know what they see in him.
*sigh* But I guess, to each her own.

It's also.. moth season.
I detest moths/any other insects that have the ability to swoop down on you like some aggravated bird.
I saw one in the bathroom but failed to kill it.
It's now lurking (or fluttering) somewhere in my house.
Darn that pesty vermin.

D'you think the title thingo suits this blog?
I might change it again, you know.
Spiff it up abit, old chap.
Tweak it a little.
But whaddaya think?
I just said "whaddaya". Laugh, dammit.
But yes.
I apologise for my not-so-constant blogging.
I have a life other than this, believe it or not.
Don't believe it, it's fine.
And I'm afraid I must depart.
I don't know how many times I've clicked 'Publish Post'
but forgotten to say goodbye.
So.. farewell. ^^

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