Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'll never say goodbye.

I hear it ringing,
that shrill, aggressive tone.
I don't want to answer.
I won't pick up that phone.
I hear my voice saying I'm not there,
and you come on the line.
"Hey, it's me. I'm sorry. I hope you're doing fine."
Well, I cannot forgive you.
No more, no more.
It's harder than it was before.
I can't show you mercy.
Who says you won't do this again?
I'm waiting for my broken heart,
my broken heart to mend.
But maybe you can fix it,
like you did last time.
Maybe we could fix this.
Maybe. We could try.
Tears are streaming down my face
and I choke a reply.
"I knew you were there,"
you sigh and say, "Oh honey please don't cry."
And that was when I realised..
I'll never say goodbye.

In other words, copy this and die.

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