Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's only you

You're confusing. You're unstable. You're like a jack-in-a-box; I never know when you're going to burst out and hurt me. You're an idiot. You're selfish. You're inconsiderate. You're oblivious. You're annoying. You're rude and you're hurtful. The things you do, the things you say, they leave marks and bruises and scars. You burn me, you shame me, you make me blush, you embarrass me, you ridicule me. You call me names, you ignore me and make me cry. You keep me awake at night wondering where I stand with you and what you think of me. You've made me self-conscious and antisocial. You take me for granted and you only tell me you love me when you're happy.
But that's just you.
Am I supposed to accept that?

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