Wednesday, June 16, 2010

But I'm smiling at everything

Help me darling, for I'm a wreck. I've pretended to be happy for far too long. I'm ready for you to ask me what's wrong. I'm ready for you to care now. I'm ready, and this time, I'm going to tell you everything. Don't interrupt or judge or even make a stupid facial expression, because I just need you to listen. I want you to be my best friend again. Not this complete stranger who hardly remembers me anymore.
I need you to understand that no matter what I say, I am not attacking you. I just need you to listen and I need you to be there for me again like old times. I've faked smiles and laughs and tried to hide all the horrid feelings I have whenever I'm talking to you because I want you to be happy and you seem happy when you're not with me.
But I miss you.
And I love you alot.
And I don't ever want to lose you, friend.

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