Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Person #1,
you are most confusing and complex. I never know where I stand with you and when I do, it's lovely and it's perfect and I love you but when I don't, it's stupid and pathetic. But I still love you. I never get a straight answer from you. I never get you. But I want you so bad it's scaring me.

Person #2,
stop ignoring him. I know you dislike me, but this has nothing to do with me. I know I'm not the only one who sees how much effort he's putting in to try and talk to you, even if talking isn't what you want, since you always want more. Because we both care about him, talk to him.

Person #3,
i know i'm not exactly your type, but I wonder if anyone actually is. And if there is someone, just tell me. I don't like being left in the dark like I always am. I need to know, because maybe then I can let go of you.

Person #4,
all you talk about is your boyfriend and how perfect you two are, and I guess that's alright. But I'm getting the feeling that the only reason you ever talk to me now is when you have a problem with him and you want my personal opinion and reassurance that everything'll be okay. I'm here for you, but I don't know for how long.

Person #5,
we are not drifting. I promise you i'll be here for as long as you need me.

Person #6,
i don't want to be friends, and I am not sorry for this is all your fault. Your childish immature little pranks and acts are worth nothing and I hope you die.

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