Monday, April 5, 2010

Counting all different ideas, drifting away.

Hi, man it's been a while.
Lately I've been busy studying and chatting to Rach and James and stuff, so I haven't had the chance to update this blog in yonks. 
I'm still hopelessly in love with the same boy.
I'm still a sucker for sweet talk.
I'm still obsessed with Owl City.
None of me has changed.

Sometimes, change is good. For my parents, a change is all they want - in me.
They want me to be some robotic sad excuse for a child. 
An expressionless snob, who never falls in love.
They're restricting me from love. Who does that? 
It's simply inhumane. You never ever ever restrict love.
Because if you push it away long enough, it'll be gone forever.

I'll update soon, I pinkyswear.

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