Wednesday, April 7, 2010

And I rationed my breaths, as I said to myself, that I've already taken too much today.

 What a cutie.
I'm going to the Easter Show next Monday. Pretty stoked about that, seeing as I haven't gone since I was 6.
I remember I went on the ghost train. I begged and begged my uncle to let me go on it. I promised him that I wouldn't be scared; that I'd put on a brave face.
I broke that promise as soon as the train started moving and taking us through the stupid darkness with all the stupid pointless creepy masks and animals and mutated creatures popping out at me.
When I got off, I burst into tears. I love that memory.

I am currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I have discovered that the books are way better than the movies. I hate how movies skip parts and change things, but I guess you'd have to cut shit out if you want it to be under 20 hours long, yuh? ..I overthink things. ):

And guess what?! I have a Tumblr account. Check it out. All I do is post random pictures on there which don't make sense to anyone at all. I guess it's basically what I do on here too.
I've given up on Zelda. Filthy stupid ghost princess thing. Not helpful at all. I hate Zelda Spirit Tracks, but I like the music. :3

Er, what else can I blog about (not that anyone is silly enough to read any of this)? OH YEAH. Lately I've been into bright weird shades of nail polish that no one ever dares to buy 'cause they're too insanely unusual. I've got blue, some weird red pink peach colour, cucumber green and a sickly yellow colour which I haven't tried and am not looking forward to using since it resembles the colour of caramel vomit.
My nails at the moment are a cute metallic blue. I love 'em, though I get disapproving looks from old people as I pass. "In my day...yadayadayapyap."
Can cockroaches fart?
I want to create a documentary entitled "The Sad Lame Lives of the Pathetic Idiots in Blacktown" and film all those idiots hanging around the outskirts of the shopping centre smoking and giving everyone a rough time. I'll probably be beaten up but hey, as long as it's on tape baby, I'll do anything.
I love watching those people hang around and loiter and be miserable oafs because it kinda makes me feel good about myself as I'm not as self-pitiful as they are. Thank fuck I actually have some dignity left in my dark pessimistic soul.

I think I've bored you long enough.
Adios amigos.

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