Saturday, March 6, 2010

19th February, 2010 - Swimming Carnival.

(from left) Suzanne, Christina, Me.

(from left) Amelia, Suzanne, Christina, Me.

Christina and I.

i have truckloads more, but i won't bore you any longer.
school has been so erratic and stressful lately that i'd forgotten about the owl city concert, which is in 9 days. now that i remember, i'm super duper excited and so's grace. 
grace is my fave cousin ^.^
hey, why don't we throw in a pic of her.

ain't she a beaut.

unfortunately i won't be updating much due to school and other bullshit.
i'll most likely post one every few days/weeks/months.
during the school holidays though, you'll be seeing alot of me (you don't need to be happy).
au revoir, mon amie.

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