Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So I was doing my usual browsing on the net, and I stumbled upon this awesome blog. Scrolling down, reading all her hilarious entries, I came across a disturbing piece of information that I must rant about this instant.Yuh, I'm talking about the "phwoarittyluscious" Aaron Johnson being engaged to a fucking 42 year old woman! BLASPHEMY AT ITS HIGHEST PEAK! I SHALL BREAK THEM APART WITH MY BROOMSTICK. She has two children. HE is 19 years of age. That makes her 23 years older than him, which is rather stupid. 'Cause he's TEENAGE FANGIRL PROPERTY, not DESPERATE FAKE BLONDE BOOB JOB BOTOX HOUSEWIFE PROPERTY.
EGHALSKJALDJKH. I am very very pissed.
At their wedding, I don't think I'll be the only one crashing through those church doors screaming "I OBJECT" at the top of my lungs.

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