Sunday, January 24, 2010


I think over things alot until I end up blowing them out of proportion, I'm oversensitive, I get angry easily, I get hurt easily, I get my heart broken easily. I try to fix things but most of the time I don't succeed, I'm pessimistic and awkward and too shy to talk to people in person. I fall in love too easily, I'm in love with a boy I've never met, I'm addicted to the Internet, I need a life, chocolate makes me happy, I don't go to church, I like the colour grey, I wear dark colours - even in summer, I like rain, I like puddles and gumboots and raincoats and laughing and umbrellas. I'm not a good person, I always mess things up, I try to be positive about myself but fail, I get annoyed at people who ask too many questions that require meaningful answers because I don't like it when people try to get into my head, I hate how adults don't listen to me because I'm "just a child", I think Britney Spears should retire (along with Madonna), and I don't believe in fate. I have nightmares more than nice dreams, I cry alot, I scream alot, I argue too much. I play the piano, my mother is never proud of me, I have the bitchiest family, I'm not sad about my uncle's death since he hated my guts, my father is a temperamental dick, no one is happy with what I've achieved, no one cares, everyone expects more from me though I'm only fucking human. I stare at people for too long, I find their faces interesting, I sing when I'm upset, I blog when I'm upset, I rant when I'm upset but no one cares. I wish I was someone else, I wish I wasn't who I am, I wish I was never born sometimes. I can be nice, I can be a total bitch, depends on who you are and how you treat me. I alter my feelings towards people by the way they talk to me, I get scared easily, I hate how those stupid delinquents who dress in baggy "trackies" or tiny shorts and caps and those stupid grandpa pouches are considered "cool". I hate our society today, I dislike stereotypes, I don't like girls whose faces are whiter than the rest of their body because of all the makeup they cake on. I don't like how I've been called a slut without a valid reason, I laugh at the silliest things, I crack lame jokes. I like Winter, I like Harry Potter, I like owls and walks in the snow and building sandcastles on the beach. I like strawberry licorice, I like caramel fudge, I like chupachups. I watch romcoms, I want to be a journalist, I try my best to be myself, I don't like who I am.
But this is me
and I am me
and you aren't me
and never will be
and I will have to accept me someday.

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