Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can you at least pretend to care for just one minute?
Don't you "aww" me or sadface me because that doesn't bloody fix things.
I was always there for you when you were in trouble.
I helped you when your freakin' relationship was in the shits!
I mended things! I resolved problems! I never took any credit for it!
Now that everything's over and done, I don't need to be here.
I'm not your relationship-fixer-upper. I'm just your dumpster.
I'm the big sinkhole that you dump your memories into.
I don't want to relive the moments you and her shared,
I don't want to hear anything about her anymore.

I don't care about the songs you dedicated to each other,
or the petnames you had, or how the minute you talked to her
you fell in love with her and how now you think different.
If you weren't broken up, you wouldn't say these things.
It's only 'cause you got dumped that you're making a big deal about this bullshit.
When she hated me, when she made my life hell, you didn't do anything about it.
I don't give a flying fuck if she was your girlfriend. I'm your bestfriend and you should've stuck up for me instead of letting me get verbally pummelled right before your eyes.
The tables have been turned and you're the desperate one now.

You need my attention, 'cause you're not getting anyone else's.
You're pathetic.
And I'm pathetically in love with you.

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