Sunday, January 3, 2010

All I Need - a novel by Victoria Teo.

Yeah I'm writing a novel. It's about a 15 year old ghost named Liana, who falls in love with a human. So cliche, I know. Here's a snippet.
Gone – simple word, four letters. Meaning: asleep, done for, dead.
You’re probably wondering, or maybe you don’t care at all, how I came to be this way. How I died.
My name was Liana MacAlister. I was in the 9th grade, fairly popular, and abit shy. It was my 15th birthday. My parents had planned a spectacular party for me and I was getting ready in my room. The braids I’d tied my bronze hair in had come undone, cascading down my back in loose waves. As I looked in the mirror, I stared at my eyes. They were nothing special, just a dull brown. Everyone in my family had gorgeous hazel eyes, while I was stuck with chocolate brown. Plain old brown. What a way to describe my lack of personality. A cool breeze floated through my open window. And…Being the clumsy thing I am, as I stepped back to look at myself , I stumbled out of the window and fell.

It was as if everything was in slow motion. I didn’t see my life flashing before me, only snapshots of my most favourite memories: My 10th birthday, the jumping castle… Running on the beach, feeling the sand between my toes, without a care in the world.
And then, everything went black, and I was dead, just like that. It was like I was at our local theatre again, watching a staged melodrama, except this time… I was the main character. I was the dying soul. Well, I was already long dead, but my family didn’t know that. I watched as my father felt for my pulse. I watched as mother burst into hysterics at the blood pooling around my head, at my unmoving lips, at my pale broken body. I watched as James, our beloved German Shepherd, whimpered and sniffed at my unopened eyes.

And I cried; soft broken sobs, the tears of the dead.
“Yes Liana,” a soft voice whispered into my ear, “you’re gone.” Turning around, I saw her, my beautiful Aunt June, still as prim and pretty as the day viewed her body before her funeral.
“I know,” I gasped, “I know.” My hand flew to my chest, as if to see if my heart was still there, still beating. I gripped at nothing. It was empty, hollow. I was empty. Gone…

^ yeah it needs work. But tell me what you think.
mmhm *Z click!* dats ryt, gurlfran. <3
kthanxbai. :$

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