Sunday, January 17, 2010

81. regrets? no.

In 6 months and abit, I have:
- gotten 3 followers
- finally bought a webcam
- lost my best friend
- fallen in love too many times
- broken someone's heart
- sung infront of 30 people and nearly died
- tripped over multiple times
- discovered nickasaur!
- cried about stupid things
- confessed my "love" to him
- spent hours on the net
- painted my toenails twice
- procrastinated alot
- tried to be someone i'm not
- wished i was her
- intentionally ruined a relationship
- told him i hate him and then took it back
- wished i had a brother
- eaten 4 carrots
- screamed into my pillow
- punched the wall
- inflicted pain on myself
- starved myself
- gotten sick cos of starving myself
- made more friends online than irl

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