Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The stars lean down to kiss you, and I lie awake and miss you.

I, and practically everyone else who reads her blog, have been tagged by this lovely person to blog 7 facts about me.
Prepare to be bored out of your mind.

Fact #1.
I'm a total pessimist - you know,
the "glass half empty" type of person.

Fact #2.
I blush very easily, which makes me look like a pink-faced idiot.
Like one of those weird dolls with the insanely pink cheeks.

Fact #3.
I want to dance in the rain and run around without a care in the world, or an umbrella.

Fact #4.
I am a proud Chocoholic.
I have to eat at least one piece of chocolate a day,
or I turn into a chimpanzee.

Fact #5.
I like pretty guys, so if you're lanky and pale and geeky and whatever, gimme a call.
I don't like abs. They look like random lumps of hard fat sticking out of your body, which they are.

Fact #6.
I am lefthanded. I rock.

Fact #7.
I never had my ears pierced. And I never want to. Ow.

YAY, I DID IT. Vic smiles big.
K, so I tag Rachel to do this,
and anyone else who happens to come across this blog. (:
Be sure to post the link in a comment! I'd love to read your facts.
Have a fantasterrific day!

1 comment:

    here, i finally managed to make 7 facts ok. (:
