Thursday, September 24, 2009

Up, up and away.

(8)Fuzzy Blue Lights - Owl City
Ni hao, dear friend(s).
I skipped school today so I could pack for Singapore.
Only 3 days to go! *squeals*
I've been really slacking off at school recently.
Basically, I just can't be stuffed trying.
I had a music assignment due yesterday and I didn't do it.
My friends were all like, "GASP!"
Because I always hand assignments in on time.
So today, I emailed it to my music teacher.
It's pre crap, but at least I won't get a zero.

I watched Up last week. 'Twas adorable + sad.
And I love that little boy scout, Russell. He makes me LOL.
Russell: But I want to help!
Carl Fredricksen: I don't want your help, I want you safe.
Thanks for the adventure. Now go have one of your own.
- Up.

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