Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Vacation vacation vacation.

Hey y'all.
Ha, I said "ya'll".
Dude, I freaken rock.
I am currently in Singapore, it is practically like being on the Sun.
But I absolutely love it. Love it love it love it.
Okay, the flight was horrible.
I was almost always gagging, cos of the turbulence.
I get very bad travel sickness. Groan.
So apart from the severe nausea, it was still terrible.
Headaches, stupid enter-drain-ment, lame music.
8 hours of non-stop stupidity. It hurt, man. It hurt.
The minute we stepped outside the airport, I was like, "GASP!"
The heat was.. intense.. Dude.
Not to be a bragger, but I've definitely lost count of all the people that told me how "sweet" and "pretty" I am. Compliments scare me.
"You look so different from before! Much prettier!"
So what, you're saying I used to be UGLY? kthx. -.-
My cousin Kelvin, is still wicked awesome. I do so wish you'd blog more, cousin.
I ate my heart out.
Breakfast: Fried noodles and fishball soup + glutinous rice.
Lunch: Rice with mushroom, steamed egg and ginger pork.
Dinner: Chicken rice.
I haven't peed all day. And considering the countless bottles of water I've sculled down, I should've been peeing bucketloads. But instead, I just sweated it all out. Gross mental image, I know. Or maybe that's just my mind.. Ew. I'm blogging a really superduper long blog, since I'm scared to use my other cousin's computer and I feel guilty for wasting peoples' Internet usage on people who don't even read this (no offense if you actually do).
I was also stalked by a mad old Chinese man in the supermarket. He followed me around, calling me "pretty little girl" in Mandarin. I found it flattering at first, until he started complimenting himself as well. I was so scared because I hate being followed. I have this issue with personal bubble invasion. And he invaded it like a Nazi (will I get banned for putting that?).
We shopped so much that we could've bought the whole market if we kept going. I bought two pairs of sneakers with rainbow laces which were so wicked cool. I kept parading around the room in them, just to show em off to myself. o_o I really need friends. Aha.
I'm pretty/not so very tired atm.
But I should be off now. My family's too great to get away from. I needa get back to it now.

Have fun, all you youngsters in SCHOOL. HA. SUCKED IN. I'm.. coming back in 2 weeks but that'll be during the HOLIDAYS. SO SUCK FISH.

:D I love you too.

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