Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So much to do, so little time.

I might not be updating for a few days/weeks, as we're preparing for our trip to Singapore. I could possibly be online over there, and may update then. Let's hope they have fast running internet, hey?
Follow me on Twitter. I need followers, cos I'm so rad. + you love me, right?
I could update my Twitter ever so often while I'm in Singapore, telling you about my daily mishaps/discoveries + adventures and conversations with my mostly unknown family. (:

I've also got a shitload of assignments to do:

Science - Part B (yes, there are 2 parts to this crap.)
English + drafts for weblog.
Visual Art - which frankly, I don't care about.

And they all have to be done BEFORE I leave for my darling Singapore. Spending two weeks away from my real life. *sigh*. It seems too good to be true.
So now, I bid you adieu. I am seriously tired out from all this work. :(
School sucks.


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