Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hey gorgeous.

It's been awhile since I posted.
I've finished most of my assignments, which is wicked/rad.
Um, everything else is totally boring now, since I have nothing else to do.
6 days 'til Singapore, and I haven't even started packing yet.
Wait, are we supposed to start packing? I don't know.
Recently, I came down with a cold and the doctor put me on antibiotics because my parents are so paranoid that I'll get worse and they'll have to cancel the trip.
No, they don't really care about my sickness.
They just care about how much they spent on airfare. AHAHAHA. --" I love my family.

Not much left to say, I guess.
Nothing interesting left to talk about.
Nothing to update about.

So, I'll leave you with nothing then.
I bid you adieu.

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